Exam SC-400: Microsoft Information Protection Administrator

Exam Number: SC-400 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft Information Protection Administrator Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 322


Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 322


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Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam SC-400: Administering Information Protection and Compliance in Microsoft 365

Audience profile

Candidates for this exam are information protection and compliance administrators who plan and implement risk and compliance controls in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

The information protection and compliance administrator translates an organization’s risk and compliance requirements into technical implementation. They are responsible for implementing and managing solutions for content classification, data loss prevention (DLP), information protection, data lifecycle management, records management, privacy, risk, and compliance.

The information protection and compliance administrator works with other roles that are responsible for governance, data, and security to evaluate and develop policies to address an organization’s risk reduction and compliance goals. This role assists workload administrators, business application owners, human resources departments, and legal stakeholders to implement technology solutions that support the necessary policies and controls.

Candidates should have experience with Microsoft 365 services, including Microsoft 365 Apps, Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams. They should also be familiar with PowerShell.

Implement information protection (25–30%)

  • Create and manage sensitive info types
  • Create and manage trainable classifiers
  • Implement and manage sensitivity labels
  • Design and implement encryption for email messages

Implement DLP (15–20%)

  • Create and configure DLP policies
  • Implement and monitor Endpoint DLP
  • Monitor and manage DLP activities

Implement data lifecycle and records management (10–15%)

  • Retain and delete data by using retention labels
  • Manage data retention in Microsoft 365 workloads
  • Implement Microsoft Purview records management

Monitor and investigate data and activities by using Microsoft Purview (15–20%)

  • Plan and manage regulatory requirements by using Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager
  • Plan and manage eDiscovery and Content search
  • Manage and analyze audit logs and reports in Microsoft Purview

Manage insider and privacy risk in Microsoft 365 (15–20%)

  • Implement and manage Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance
  • Implement and manage Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management
  • Implement and manage Microsoft Purview Information Barriers (IBs)
  • Implement and manage privacy requirements by using Microsoft Priva
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