Exam PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Exam Number: PL-400 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 350


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Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 350


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Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Audience profile

As a candidate for this exam, you design, develop, test, and troubleshoot solution components that use the extension points of Microsoft Power Platform. You use traditional code to solve challenges not appropriate for low code. You implement the parts of a business solution that include:

  • Custom user experiences
  • Custom business logic
  • System integrations
  • Data conversions
  • Custom process automation
  • Complex Power Fx formulas
  • Workflow expressions

You must have:

  • A strong applied knowledge of Microsoft Power Platform services, including in-depth understanding of its capabilities, boundaries, and constraints
  • An applied knowledge of authentication, security, and application lifecycle management (ALM) practices for the Microsoft Power Platform
  • An applied knowledge of Microsoft Power Platform developer tools including Power Platform CLI as part of the developer workflow

As a candidate, you should have development experience that includes Microsoft Power Platform services, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, RESTful Web APIs, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and Microsoft Azure.

Skills at a glance

Create a technical design (10–15%)

  • Design technical architecture
  • Design solution components

Build Power Platform solutions (10–15%)

  • Configure and troubleshoot Microsoft Power Platform
  • Implement application lifecycle management (ALM)

Implement Power Apps improvements (5–10%)

  • Implement advanced canvas apps features
  • Optimize and troubleshoot apps

Extend the user experience (10–15%)

  • Apply business logic in model-driven apps using client scripting
  • Create a Power Apps component framework (PCF) code component

Extend the platform (40–45%)

  • Create a Dataverse plug-in
  • Create custom connectors
  • Use platform APIs
  • Process workloads by using Azure Functions
  • Configure Power Automate cloud flows

Develop integrations (5–10%)

  • Publish and consume Dataverse events
  • Implement data synchronization with Dataverse
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