Exam PL-200: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant

Exam Number: PL-200 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 285


Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 285


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Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam PL-200: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant

Audience profile

As a candidate for this exam, you:

  • Perform discovery.
  • Capture requirements.
  • Engage subject matter experts and stakeholders.
  • Configure business solutions by using Microsoft Power Platform tools and components.

You create:

  • Application enhancements
  • Tailored user experiences
  • Process automation

As a candidate, you implement the design provided by and in collaboration with a solution architect and the standards, branding, and artifacts established by user experience designers. You implement integrations with third-party applications and services. You generate training documentation, and you facilitate training and enablement.

You must interact and effectively communicate with members of a delivery team, stakeholders, and customer teams while championing for their success. You must have an understanding of application lifecycle management (ALM) practices for Microsoft Power Platform and quality assurance.

You should be familiar with using the following Microsoft Power Platform components:

  • Microsoft Dataverse
  • Microsoft Power Apps
  • Microsoft Power Automate cloud flows
  • Microsoft Power Pages
  • Microsoft Power Platform environments

You should have proficiency in:

  • Data modeling
  • User experience design
  • Requirements analysis

Skills at a glance

Configure Microsoft Dataverse (25–30%)

  • Manage the data model
  • Manage Dataverse
  • Configure security settings

Create apps by using Microsoft Power Apps (25–30%)

  • Create model-driven apps
  • Describe canvas apps
  • Build Microsoft Power Pages

Create and manage logic and process automation (25–30%)

  • Create and manage cloud flows
  • Create and manage business process flows
  • Create and manage classic Dataverse workflows
  • Implement low-code logic

Manage environments (15–20%)

  • Participate in application lifecycle management (ALM)
  • Manage interoperability with other services
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