Exam MB-820: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer

Exam Number: MB-820 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 98


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Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 98


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Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam MB-820: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer

Audience profile

As a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central developer, you’re responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining solutions based on Dynamics 365 Business Central. In this role, you develop apps that extend Business Central, including customizing or adding extra functionality. You also integrate Business Central with other applications, such as Microsoft Power Platform products. Plus, you need to ensure that data remains current during an upgrade process.

As a Business Central developer, you’re responsible for troubleshooting and debugging issues in the system. This may involve:

  • Identifying the root cause of a problem.
  • Fixing bugs.
  • Testing the solution to ensure that it works as expected.

You may be required to optimize the performance of the system by:

  • Identifying bottlenecks.
  • Improving code quality.

You must have applied knowledge of Business Central and the application language (AL), the development environment, and other tools to develop extensions for it. You need some knowledge of how to install and upgrade the system. You should also understand:

  • Industry terminology.
  • The Business Central role in relationship to Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365.

As a developer, you should have knowledge of:

  • AppSource, Business Central–related technologies, frameworks, and services to build solutions.
  • Technologies for application lifecycle management (ALM), including source control management (SCM) and continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).

Skills at a glance

Describe Business Central (10–15%)

  • Describe the Business Central architecture
  • Describe Business Central apps

Install, develop, and deploy for Business Central (10–15%)

  • Install and configure a Business Central development environment
  • Create, debug, and deploy an extension in Business Central

Develop by using AL objects (35–40%)

  • Build and extend tables and pages in Business Central
  • Build and extend reports
  • Design and create an XMLport
  • Develop codeunits
  • Create entitlement and permission set objects
  • Create queries in Business Central

Develop by using AL (15–20%)

  • Customize the UI experience, and implement onboarding techniques
  • Describe the essential development standards
  • Use AL to extend Business Central

Work with development tools (10–15%)

  • Implement semiautomated test processes, and run standard Business Central tests
  • Manage and analyze telemetry

Integrate Business Central with other applications (10–15%)

  • Access Representational State Transfer (REST) services from within Business Central
  • Implement APIs
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