Exam DP-420: Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB

Exam Number: DP-420 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 135


Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: December-2024

Total Questions: 135


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Last updated: December-2024

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Study Guide for Exam DP-420: Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB

Audience profile

As a candidate for this exam, you should have subject matter expertise designing, implementing, and monitoring cloud-native applications that store and manage data.

Your responsibilities for this role include:

  • Designing and implementing data models and data distribution.
  • Loading data into an Azure Cosmos DB database.
  • Optimizing and maintaining the solution.

As a professional in this role, you integrate the solution with other Azure services. You also design, implement, and monitor solutions that consider security, availability, resilience, and performance requirements.

As a candidate for this exam, you must have solid knowledge and experience with:

  • Developing apps for Azure.
  • Working with Azure Cosmos DB database technologies.
  • Creating server-side objects with JavaScript.

You should be proficient at developing applications that use the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL API. You should be able to:

  • Write efficient SQL queries for the API.
  • Create appropriate indexing policies.
  • Interpret JSON.
  • Read C# or Java code.
  • Use PowerShell.

Additionally, you should be familiar with provisioning and managing resources in Azure.

Skills at a glance

Design and implement data models (35–40%)

  • Design and implement a non-relational data model for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
  • Design a data partitioning strategy for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
  • Plan and implement sizing and scaling for a database created with Azure Cosmos DB
  • Implement client connectivity options in the Azure Cosmos DB SDK
  • Implement data access by using the SQL language for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
  • Implement data access by using Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL SDKs
  • Implement server-side programming in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL by using JavaScript

Design and implement data distribution (5–10%)

  • Design and implement a replication strategy for Azure Cosmos DB
  • Design and implement multi-region write

Integrate an Azure Cosmos DB solution (5–10%)

  • Enable Azure Cosmos DB analytical workloads
  • Implement solutions across services

Optimize an Azure Cosmos DB solution (15–20%)

  • Optimize query performance when using the API for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
  • Design and implement change feeds for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
  • Define and implement an indexing strategy for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

Maintain an Azure Cosmos DB solution (25–30%)

  • Monitor and troubleshoot an Azure Cosmos DB solution
  • Implement backup and restore for an Azure Cosmos DB solution
  • Implement security for an Azure Cosmos DB solution
  • Implement data movement for an Azure Cosmos DB solution
  • Implement a DevOps process for an Azure Cosmos DB solution
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