Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Exam Number: AZ-900 Length of test: 45 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Number of questions in the actual exam: 60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 478

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Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 478


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Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Audience profile

As a candidate for this exam, you’re a technology professional who wants to demonstrate foundational knowledge of cloud concepts in general and Microsoft Azure in particular. This exam is a common starting point in a journey towards a career in Azure.

You can describe Azure architectural components and Azure services, such as:

  • Compute
  • Networking
  • Storage

You can also describe features and tools to secure, govern, and administer Azure.

You should have skills and experience working with an area of IT, such as:

  • Infrastructure management
  • Database management
  • Software development

Skills at a glance

Describe cloud concepts (25–30%)

  • Describe cloud computing
  • Describe the benefits of using cloud services

  • Describe cloud service types

Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)

  • Describe the core architectural components of Azure

  • Describe Azure compute and networking services

  • Describe Azure storage services

  • Describe Azure identity, access, and security

Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)

  • Describe cost management in Azure

  • Describe features and tools in Azure for governance and compliance

  • Describe features and tools for managing and deploying Azure resources

  • Describe monitoring tools in Azure

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Pritish Chandra Verma

Many answers are wrong


Is the file still valid?


Thank supported
Passed exam
2 new questions in Describe cloud concepts.
Team should update them.
+1 LIKE site


when was the latest updated for exam AZ-900?


hi, going to exam on 17 Jul. still valid?