Exam FC0-U61: CompTIA IT Fundamentals
Exam Number: FC0-U61 | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: CompTIA IT Fundamentals | Number of questions in the actual exam: 55-90 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 6++/900 |
Total Questions: 425 $30 Premium PDF file 2 months updates Last updated: December-2024 |
Total Questions: 425 FREE Premium VPLUS file Last updated: December-2024 |
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Title | Size | Hits | Download |
CompTIA.FC0-U61.vOct-2024.by.Tina.150q | 450.52 KB | 21 | Download |
CompTIA.FC0-U61.vOct-2024.by.Tina.150q | 1.09 MB | 22 | Download |
CompTIA.FC0-U61.vFeb-2024.by.Ricky.133q | 1.52 MB | 59 | Download |
Some new questions:
Which of the following is most likely managed directly by the operating system?
A. Email
B. Database connections
C. Memory allocation
D. Instant messaging
Which of the following are data manipulation SQL commands? (Select two).
After a patch of an enterprise server, applications were unable to load. The server administrator was able to resolve the issue. Which of the following is the next step the administrator should take?
A. Test the theory to determine the cause.
B. Document findings, actions, and outcomes.
C. Establish a plan of action.
D. Verify full system functionality.
Which of the following is the best reason to implement a software token instead of a hardware token?
A. A software token can be set to a permanent number that never changes.
B. A software token can be encrypted.
C. A software token is more cost efficient than a hardware token.
D. A software token cannot be lost.
Some new questions:
A company is looking at locations for a new datacenter. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has stated that the new datacenter should be at least 500mi (805km) from the existing datacenter so one natural disaster will be unlikely to impact both datacenters. Which of the following is this best an example of?
A. Confidentiality concerns
B. Integrity concerns
C. Replication concerns
D. Availability concerns
Which of the following is the main purpose for a MAC address to identify?
A. A user
B. A piece of hardware
C. An IP address
D. A network
A technician has established a plan of action. Which of the following should the technician do next?
A. Verify system functionality.
B. Identify preventive measures.
C. Document the findings.
D. Implement a solution.
An accounting firm needs to allow users to update records simultaneously without errors. Which of the following best meets the firm’s needs?
A. Flat file
B. Document
C. Database
D. Spreadsheet