Exam PK0-005: CompTIA Project+
Exam Number: PK0-005 | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: CompTIA Project+ | Number of questions in the actual exam: 55-90 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 6++/900 |
Total Questions: 291 $30 Premium PDF file 2 months updates Last updated: December-2024 |
Total Questions: 291 FREE Premium VPLUS file Last updated: December-2024 |
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Title | Size | Hits | Download |
CompTIA.PK0-005.vOct-2024.by.Alanty.148q | 744.99 KB | 16 | Download |
CompTIA.PK0-005.vOct-2024.by.Alanty.148q | 548.77 KB | 16 | Download |
CompTIA.PK0-005.vJan-2024.by.Jacky.86q | 1.21 MB | 59 | Download |
CompTIA.PK0-005.vMar-2024.by.SamB.107q | 598.56 KB | 57 | Download |
Some new questions:
A project manager wants to be confident that the most crucial functions of a new software build work and that the software is ready for the next testing phase. Which of the following types of testing should be done?
A. Performance
B. Smoke
C. Regression
D. Unit
During timeline creation, the project manager is unsure if the development team can complete coding before new servers are installed in the IT department. Which of the following should the project manager do to increase project certainty?
A. Hold a new backlog prioritization meeting.
B. Add milestones to check the project’s progress.
C. Adjust the task relationship to complete coding in advance.
D. Apply contingency buffers to the critical path.
A client made a change request. Implementing the change will cause a delay in the project and a budget overrun. Which of the following should the project manager do first?
A. Update the WBS.
B. Escalate to the CCB.
C. Accept the change.
D. Implement the change.
Which of the following statements best represents a network issue?
A. The development team on the fourth floor is unable to access servers and email services.
B. Cell phones served by a specific telecom company are getting a ‘no service’ message.
C. A user cannot connect to Wi-Fi because of a wrong ID or password.
D. A user is receiving an automatic reply message saying that an email address does not exist.