Exam PT0-002: CompTIA PenTest+
Exam Number: PT0-002 | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: CompTIA PenTest+ | Number of questions in the actual exam: 55-90 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 6++/900 |
Total Questions: 445 $30 Premium PDF file 2 months updates Last updated: December-2024 |
Total Questions: 445 FREE Premium VPLUS file Last updated: December-2024 |
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Title | Size | Hits | Download |
CompTIA.PT0-002.vJul-2024.by.Ina.182q | 4.96 MB | 55 | Download |
CompTIA.PT0-002.vJul-2024.by.Ina.182q | 6.10 MB | 55 | Download |
CompTIA.PT0-002.vMar-2024.by.Lien.163q | 2.14 MB | 75 | Download |
CompTIA.PT0-002.vJan-2024.by.Urantics.134q | 2.10 MB | 61 | Download |
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Some new questions:
A penetration tester was able to gain access to a plaintext file on a user workstation. Upon opening the file, the tester notices some strings of randomly generated text. The tester is able to use these strings to move laterally throughout the network by accessing the fileshare on a web application. Which of the following should the organization do to remediate the issue?
A. Sanitize user input.
B. Implement password management solution.
C. Rotate keys.
D. Utilize certificate management.
A penetration tester is attempting to perform reconnaissance on a customer’s external-facing footprint and reviews a summary of the fingerprinting scans:
SSH servers: 23
NTP servers: 4
Rsync servers: 5
LDAP servers: 2
Which of the following OSs is the organization most likely using?
A. Mac OS X
B. FreeBSD
C. Microsoft Windows
D. Linux
During an assessment, a penetration tester obtains a list of password digests using Responder. Which of the following tools would the penetration tester most likely use next?
A. Hashcat
B. Hydra
D. Medusa
A penetration tester managed to get control of an internal web server that is hosting the IT knowledge base. Which of the following attacks should the penetration tester attempt next?
A. Vishing
B. Watering hole
C. Whaling
D. Spear phishing
After obtaining a reverse shell connection, a penetration tester runs the following command: www-data@server!2:sudo -1
User www-data may run the following commands on serverl2: (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vi
Which of the following is the fastest way to escalate privileges on this server?
A. Editing the file /etc/passwd to add a new user with uid 0
B. Creating a Bash script, saving it on the /tmp folder, and then running it
C. Executing the command sudo vi -c ‘ Jbash’
D. Editing the file/etc/sudoers to allow any command