Salesforce Certified AI Associate Exam
Exam Number: Salesforce Certified AI Associate | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified AI Associate | Number of questions in the actual exam: 60 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 65% |
Total Questions: 102
Premium VPLUS file
Last updated: November-2024
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Some new questions:
What should an organization do to enforce consistency across accounts for newly entered records?
A. Merge all duplicate accounts into a single record when duplicate entries are detected.
B. Input the data exactly as it appears from the source, such as the company’s website or social media,
C. Implement naming conventions or a predefined list of user-selectable values for organization-wide records.
Cloud Kicks wants to improve the quality of its AI model’s predictions with the use of a large amount of data.
Which data quality element should the company focus on?
A. Accuracy
B. Location
C. Volume
How does AI assist in lead qualification?
A. Scores leads based on customer data
B. Creates personalized SMS campaigns
C. Automatically interacts with prospects
Cloud Kicks prepares a dataset for an AI model and identifies some inconsistencies in the data.
What is the most appropriate action the company should take?
A. Adjust the Al model to account for the data inconsistencies.
B. Increase the quantity of data being used for training the model
C. Investigate the data inconsistencies and apply data quality techniques.