Exam CIPP-US: Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States
Exam Number: CIPP-US | Length of test: 2.5 hours |
Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States | Number of questions in the actual exam: 90 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: +300/500 |
Total Questions: 195
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IAPP.CIPP-US.vApr-2024.by.Hung.53q | 332.81 KB | 43 | Download |
IAPP.CIPP-US.vApr-2024.by.Hung.53q | 36.90 KB | 40 | Download |
Some new questions:
One of the most significant elements of Senate Bill No. 260 relating to Internet privacy is the introduction of what term into Nevada law?
A. Data Ethics
B. Data Brokers
C. Artificial Intelligence.
D. Transfer Mechanism
Your company, an online store selling digital keys to video games, has received a data access request from an individual. Specifically, the individual wants access to her recent purchase history, as she has misplaced the emails containing the digital keys to multiple game purchases she made last month.
From a security standpoint, what would the user have to do under CCPA in order to acceptably verify her identity?
A. Take a photo of herself with her driver license
B. Provide a notarized affidavit signed by two witnesses.
C. Log in to her password-protected account with the company
D. Phone the company and provide her contact details and credit card number
Under GLBA. which of these organizations would not be required to provide its customers with an annual privacy notice?
A. An insurance company that has no privacy department
B. An auction house that also acts as a financial institution
C. A credit union that has made changes to its privacy notice from last year.
D. A credit union that has not made changes to its privacy notice from last year
Which of the following is NOT a common challenge large organizations face when implementing data portability?
A. The presence of third-party data in the data to be ported.
B. Technically compatible systems for transmission feasibility
C. Security considerations in relation to the transfer of the data.
D. The technical skillsets available in the transmitting organization.