Exam SY0-701: CompTIA Security+
Exam Number: SY0-701 | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: CompTIA Security+ | Number of questions in the actual exam: 55-90 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 6++/900 |
Total Questions: 392 $30 Premium PDF file 2 months updates Last updated: December-2024 |
Total Questions: 392 FREE Premium VPLUS file Last updated: December-2024 |
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Title | Size | Hits | Download |
CompTIA.SY0-701.vNov-2024.by.Jany.127q | 2.87 MB | 42 | Download |
CompTIA.SY0-701.vNov-2024.by.Jany.127q | 6.38 MB | 19 | Download |
CompTIA.SY0-701.vAug-2024.by.Akio.107q | 2.96 MB | 210 | Download |
CompTIA.SY0-701.vAug-2024.by.Akio.107q | 6.81 MB | 92 | Download |
CompTIA.SY0-701.vJun-2024.by.Davac.94q | 2.86 MB | 351 | Download |
CompTIA.SY0-701.vJan-2024.by.Koanxy.37q | 733.88 KB | 191 | Download |
CompTIA.Premium.SY0-701.64q - DEMO | 890.17 KB | 165 | Download |
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Some new questions:
Which of the following security concepts is accomplished when granting access after an individual has logged into a computer network?
A. Authorization
B. Identification
C. Non-repudiation
D. Authentication
A company wants to track modifications to the code used to build new virtual servers. Which of the following will the company most likely deploy?
A. Change management ticketing system
B. Behavioral analyzer
C. Collaboration platform
D. Version control tool
Which of the following are the best security controls for controlling on-premises access? (Select two.)
A. Swipe card
B. Picture ID
C. Phone authentication application
D. Biometric scanner
E. Camera
F. Memorable
While conducting a business continuity tabletop exercise, the security team becomes concerned by potential impacts if a generator fails during failover. Which of the following is the team most likely to consider in regard to risk management activities?
Which of the following is the best way to prevent an unauthorized user from plugging a laptop into an employee’s phone network port and then using tools to scan for database servers?
A. MAC filtering
B. Segmentation
C. Certification
D. Isolation