Vdumps provides PMI exam questions as practice tests, as well as PDF and VPLUS version, for all major PMI certification exams.

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Available PMI Certification Exam Dumps List

Exam number Exam Name
CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100)
DASM Disciplined Agile Scrum Master
DASSM Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master
PgMP Program Management Professional
PMI-ACP PMI Agile Certified Practitioner
PMI-RMP PMI Risk Management Professional
PMO-CP PMO Certified Professional
PMP Project Management Professional

PMI Certifications

The PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is the most popular and widely recognized certification. But PMI offers several other certifications that can be suited for professionals at various stages in their careers.

How do I get a PMI certification?

1. Meet the requirements. Each PMI certification has a different set of requirements you’ll have to meet to test for the certification. Before applying, you’ll want to ensure you have a record of any applicable project management experience.

2. Apply. Once you think you’re in good standing to qualify for an exam, you can make an account with PMI and apply for certification. If you’re approved, that’s when you’ll pay the exam fee and schedule an exam.

3. Take the exam. Certification exams generally take three to four hours and combine multiple-choice, multiple-response, matching, hotspot, and fill-in-the-blank questions. Some advanced certifications may have a panel review as part of your certification process.

4. Maintain your certification. Each PMI certification is valid for three years. In that time, you’ll need to earn a set amount of PDUs—professional development units—to maintain your certification. PDUs are hours you spend either learning, teaching, or volunteering in your project management certification area (so 30 PDUs will translate to 30 hours of your time). The number of PDUs necessary to keep your certification will depend on the certification.