Exam PL-500: Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer

Exam Number: PL-500 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 165


Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 165


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Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam PL-500: Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer

Audience profile

As a candidate for this exam, you automate Windows-based, browser-based, and terminal-based applications that are time-consuming or contain repetitive processes. You use a mix of automation approaches like:

  • UI
  • API
  • Database

You analyze, design, and implement automations by using Power Automate desktop flows and cloud flows. As a robotic process automation (RPA) developer, you use actions for logic and work with:

  • Data
  • Applications
  • Services

You work with business stakeholders to optimize business workflows. You partner with administrators to deploy and support solutions in other environments.

Additionally, as a candidate, you should have experience with:

  • The Windows desktop environment
  • Scripting languages such as VBScript and JavaScript
  • .NET Framework for use in custom actions
  • Microsoft Dataverse

Skills at a glance

Design automations (25–30%)

  • Design automations using Power Automate features and capabilities
  • Design automations using other Microsoft Power Platform features and capabilities
  • Design automations that analyze and enhance data and documents
  • Design automations using scripting languages in desktop flows

Develop automations (45–50%)

  • Develop cloud flows
  • Develop desktop flows
  • Implement logic in cloud and desktop flows
  • Build custom connectors and implement connector configurations
  • Perform automation infrastructure management
  • Test automations and finalize development efforts

Deploy and manage automations (20–25%)

  • Perform target environment preparation
  • Assess data loss prevention (DLP) policies for RPA execution
  • Implement access to RPA components
  • Implement machine groups and queues required for desktop flow automations
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