Exam MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Exam Number: MS-900 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 403


Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: November-2024

Total Questions: 403


Premium VPLUS file

Last updated: November-2024

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Study guide for Exam MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Audience profile

This exam is designed for you, if you’re looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud-based solutions to facilitate productivity and collaboration among on-site, remote, and hybrid workers. As a candidate, you may:

  • Have knowledge of cloud-based solutions.
  • Be new to Microsoft 365.

You can use this exam to prepare for other Microsoft certifications, but it’s not a prerequisite for the related ones.

As a candidate, you should be able to recommend Microsoft 365 solutions that address common organizational IT challenges. You should understand how Microsoft 365 solutions:

  • Improve productivity
  • Facilitate collaboration
  • Optimize communications
  • Help secure data
  • Identity and facilitate compliance

You should be able to recommend solutions for:

  • Endpoint and application management
  • Desktop virtualization
  • Automated operating system deployment
  • Reporting and analytics

You should be familiar with Microsoft 365 licensing, deployment and migration assistance, and support options for organizations looking to maximize their investment in the cloud.

Skills at a glance

Describe cloud concepts (5–10%)

  • Describe the different types of cloud services available
  • Describe the benefits of and considerations for using cloud, hybrid, or on-premises services

Describe Microsoft 365 apps and services (45–50%)

  • Describe productivity solutions of Microsoft 365
  • Describe collaboration solutions of Microsoft 365
  • Describe endpoint modernization, management concepts, and deployment options in Microsoft 365
  • Describe analytics capabilities of Microsoft 365

Describe security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 (25–30%)

  • Describe identity and access management solutions of Microsoft 365
  • Describe threat protection solutions of Microsoft 365
  • Describe trust, privacy, risk, and compliance solutions of Microsoft 365

Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and support (10–15%)

  • Identify Microsoft 365 pricing and billing management options
  • Identify licensing options available in Microsoft 365
  • Identify support options for Microsoft 365 services
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