Exam MS-102: Microsoft 365 Administrator

Exam Number: MS-102 Length of test: 120 mins
Exam Name: Microsoft 365 Administrator Number of questions in the actual exam: 40-60
Format: PDF, VPLUS Passing Score: 700/1000

Total Questions: 467


Premium PDF file 2 months updates

Last updated: 11-2024

Total Questions: 467


Premium VPLUS file

Last updated: 11-2024

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Study guide for Exam MS-102: Microsoft 365 Administrator

Audience profile

If you’re an administrator who deploys and manages Microsoft 365 and performs Microsoft 365 tenant-level implementation and administration of cloud and hybrid environments, this exam is designed for you.

As a Microsoft 365 administrator, you:

  • Function as the integrating hub for all Microsoft 365 workloads.
  • Coordinate across multiple Microsoft 365 workloads.
  • Work with architects and other administrators responsible for workloads, infrastructure, identity, security, compliance, endpoints, and applications.

As a candidate for this exam, you have functional experience with all Microsoft 365 workloads and Microsoft Entra ID and have administered at least one of these. You should also have a working knowledge of the following:

  • Networking
  • Server administration
  • DNS
  • PowerShell

Skills at a glance

Deploy and manage a Microsoft 365 tenant (15–20%)

  • Implement and manage a Microsoft 365 tenant
  • Manage users and groups
  • Manage roles and role groups

Implement and manage Microsoft Entra identity and access (25–30%)

  • Implement and manage identity synchronization with Microsoft Entra tenant
  • Implement and manage authentication
  • Implement and manage secure access

Manage security and threats by using Microsoft Defender XDR (35–40%)

  • Review and respond to security reports and alerts generated by Microsoft Defender XDR
  • Implement and manage email and collaboration protection by using Microsoft Defender for Office 365
  • Implement and manage endpoint protection by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
  • Implement, and manage Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

Manage compliance by using Microsoft Purview (15–20%)

  • Implement Microsoft Purview information protection and data lifecycle management
  • Implement Microsoft Purview data loss prevention (DLP)
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