Exam 010-151: Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices
Exam Number: 010-151 | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices | Number of questions in the actual exam: 75 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 750-850/1000 |
Total Questions: 168
Premium VPLUS file
Last updated: December-2024
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Some new questions:
How does RAID function?
A. RAID parity information can be stored across multiple RAID levels.
B. RAID drive group appears to the host computer as multiple physical storage units.
C. RAID is a scheme used to logically combine several independent disks to form an array or group of drives.
D. RAID provides data redundancy with either odd parity or even parity.
Which two specialized tools are needed to service a UCS product? (Choose two.)
A. Cable Tester
B. Needle-nose pliers
C. Laptop
D. Anti-static Strap
E. KVM Console to USB 2.0 Portable Laptop Crash Cart
How do cloud deployment models function?
A. Public clouds are more expensive than private clouds.
B. Hybrid cloud supports multiple organizations sharing computing resources that are part of a community.
C. A public cloud is typically infrastructure used by a single organization.
D. Public clouds are less secure than private clouds.
What are two typical steps for troubleshooting a rack server with unrecognized or memory errors? (Choose two.)
A. Check that the AC power cord is OK.
B. Reseat DIMMs.
C. Check CPU sockets for bent pins.
D. Ensure DIMMs are installed in correct slots.
E. Check the front I/O cable connection to the motherboard.