Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Platform Architect I Exam
Exam Number: Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Platform Architect I | Length of test: 90 mins |
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Platform Architect I | Number of questions in the actual exam: 60 |
Format: PDF, VPLUS | Passing Score: 65% |
Total Questions: 152
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Last updated: November-2024
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A circuit breaker strategy is planned in order to meet the goal of improved response time and demand on a downstream API.
* Circuit Open: More than 10 errors per minute for three minutes
* Circuit Half-Open: One error per minute
* Circuit Closed: Less than one error per minute for five minutes
Out of several proposals from the engineering team, which option will meet this goal?
A. Create a custom policy that implements the circuit breaker and includes policy template expressions for the required settings
B. Create Anypoint Monitoring alerts for Circuit Open/Closed configurations, and then implement a retry strategy for Circuit Half-Open configuration
C. Add the Circuit Breaker policy to the API instance, and configure the required settings
D. Implement the strategy in a Mule application, and provide the settings in the YAML configuration
An eCommerce company is adding a new Product Details feature to their website, A customer will launch the product catalog page, a new Product Details link will appear by product where they can click to retrieve the product detail description. Product detail data is updated with product update releases, once or twice a year, Presently the database response time has been very slow due to high volume.
What action retrieves the product details with the lowest response time, fault tolerant, and consistent data?
A. Select the product details from a database in a Cache scope and return them within the API response
B. Select the product details from a database and put them in Anypoint MQ; the Anypoint MO subseriber will receive the product details and return them within the API response
C. Use an object store to store and retrieve the product details originally read from a database and return them within the API response
D. Select the product details from a database and return them within the API response
A customer wants to monitor and gain insights about the number of requests coming in a given time period as well as to measure key performance indicators
(response times, CPU utilization, number of active APIs).
Which tool provides these data insights?
A. Anypoint Monitoring
B. APT Manager
C. Runtime Alerts
D. Functional Monitoring
Which statement is true about Spike Control policy and Rate Limiting policy?
A. All requests are rejected after the limit is reached in Rate Limiting policy, whereas the requests are queued in Spike Control policy after the limit is reached
B. In a clustered environment, the Rate Limiting.and Spike Control policies are applied to each node in the cluster
C. To protect Experience APIs by limiting resource consumption, Rate Limiting policy must be applied
D. In order to apply Rate Limiting and Spike Control policies, a contract to bind client application and API is needed for both